
Get in touch

Contact Number

61 0282701790

Sydney Office

Angel Place, Level 28, 123 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000

Brisbane Office

Level 17, Suite 3 66 Eagle Street
Brisbane QLD 4000

Melbourne Office

Rialto South Tower, Level 30, 525 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Get in touch

Contact Number

61 0282701790

Sydney Office

Angel Place, Level 28, 123 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000

Brisbane Office

Level 17, Suite 3 66 Eagle Street
Brisbane QLD 4000

Melbourne Office

Rialto South Tower, Level 30, 525 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000


Miscellaneous PI and GL

Specifically tailored to suit the needs of professionals.

Product Detail Hero image

Product Description:

Brooklyn offers a Seamless PI/GL coverage available to a wide range of occupations.

Brooklyn has also given you the choice to provide standalone PI or the convenience to combine with the GL.

Available Online to 100+ professions allowing you to quote, bind and issue policy documents in a matter of minutes.

Civil Liability Wording (2016)

  • Breach of Confidentiality
  • Liabilities Under Consumer Protection Legislation
  • Contractual Liability
  • Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights
  • Defamation
  • Breach of Implied Warranties
  • Breach of Privacy
  • Breach of Fiduciary Duty
  • General Liability

Public Liability

  • Products Liability
  • Pollution Liability

Cover Includes (Key Features):

Civil Liability

  • Automatic Reinstatement
  • Advancement of Defence Costs
  • Costs in addition to the Limit of Indemnity
  • Claims Preparation Costs
  • Continuous Cover
  • Court Attendance Costs
  • Employee Dishonesty
  • Fidelity
  • Joint Venture Liability
  • Lost Documents

General Liability

  • Broad definition of Business & Insured
  • Cross Liability
  • $100k Care, Custody & Control
  • Indemnity to Others

Limits Available:

Up to $10,000,000 for Professional Indemnity

Up to $20,000,000 for General Liability

Occupations Appetite:

Brooklyn has a wide appetite for Miscellaneous Risks.

* Accountants
* Loan/Financing Providers
* Mortgage Brokers
* Security Consultants
* Valuers
* Chemical Engineers
* Underground Mining
* Medical Malpractice

Contact the Financial Lines Team

Online Quote

Get a quote in seconds. Bind in minutes.