Miscellaneous PI and GL
Specifically tailored to suit the needs of professionals.

Product Description:
Brooklyn offers a Seamless PI/GL coverage available to a wide range of occupations.
Brooklyn has also given you the choice to provide standalone PI or the convenience to combine with the GL.
Available Online to 100+ professions allowing you to quote, bind and issue policy documents in a matter of minutes.
Civil Liability Wording (2016)
- Breach of Confidentiality
- Liabilities Under Consumer Protection Legislation
- Contractual Liability
- Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights
- Defamation
- Breach of Implied Warranties
- Breach of Privacy
- Breach of Fiduciary Duty
- General Liability
Public Liability
- Products Liability
- Pollution Liability
Cover Includes (Key Features):
Civil Liability
- Automatic Reinstatement
- Advancement of Defence Costs
- Costs in addition to the Limit of Indemnity
- Claims Preparation Costs
- Continuous Cover
- Court Attendance Costs
- Employee Dishonesty
- Fidelity
- Joint Venture Liability
- Lost Documents
General Liability
- Broad definition of Business & Insured
- Cross Liability
- $100k Care, Custody & Control
- Indemnity to Others
Limits Available:
Up to $10,000,000 for Professional Indemnity
Up to $20,000,000 for General Liability
Occupations Appetite:
Brooklyn has a wide appetite for Miscellaneous Risks.
* Loan/Financing Providers
* Mortgage Brokers
* Security Consultants
* Valuers
* Chemical Engineers
* Underground Mining
* Medical Malpractice